Check out the remodel progress on our master bathroom orc week 2 challenge. A lot of tile is getting installed in the master bathroom shower!
Tile, Tile, and more Tile!!!!
That has been the theme this week. We are on week 2 of the One Room Challenge and are remodeling our Master Bathroom. If you missed the introduction to our project, you can check out our Master Bathroom Design Plans in this post.
Also, for those of you who are unaware, we are participating in the One Room Challenge which is a creative outlet for designers and bloggers to show their progress as they attempt to complete a room redesign or remodel in 5 weeks. On the 6th week they reveal their (hopefully) completed room. If you want to check out all of the other designs, you can go to the ORC blog and be inspired by all of the awesome ideas.
Now, on to our remodeling progress.
Tiling Can Be Tiring
Our shower floor tile had actually been completed earlier.
Week 2 of the ORC was all about continuing to work on the rest of the shower.
The next tiling challenge: tiling the shower walls.
This is a custom tile shower and our plans are to tile EVERYTHING. Floor, Walls, Ceiling…. You name it, we are tiling it.
Even though he is being a good sport, I know my husband is getting pretty sick of tiling.
However, I am really liking the look so far.
Creating Custom Bullnose
A big reason the process is taking so much longer is because we wanted to save money. We were too cheap to buy the tile pieces with the finished edges (a.k.a bullnose). Those tiny little tiles are crazy expensive and we needed a lot of them. We are trimming out the entrance into our shower as well as the cubbie for our shampoo.
We also really like the sharper angle because it gives it a sleek pillar look.
So, instead of spending an arm and a leg on tile, we opted to spend the time to cut each tile at a 45 degree angle. Setting the two cut tiles together creates the 90 degree finished edge that we are looking for.
Super time consuming!
Once we have completed this portion of the tiling project things will hopefully speed up. Right now we are tiling one 45 degree angle at a time. 🙂
We are using metal bullnose in the shower entrance.
Master Bathroom: ORC Week 2
This is where we find ourselves after week 2 working on the shower.
I can’t wait to see the continued progression of our remodel. Hopefully you will stick around and see what further adventures await our master bathroom.
Next week plans: continue tiling the shower and prime the walls.