Need a few simple ways to decorate for Christmas this year? Take a look at these ideas for quick decorations you can do in a small amount of time.
The holiday season is upon us, with all of the flurry and hurry of the season.
There are so many things to think about.
So many things to do.
It can feel crazy trying to fit everything in!
If you are feeling overwhelmed with Christmas, but still want to add a little festive decor to your home, check out these super simple decorating ideas that make a big impact for very little effort.
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Easy Christmas Decorations that Make a Big Difference
1) Change out the curtains
There is something about red and white curtains that feel like Christmas.
A simple change of your normal curtains can give your room a holiday feel. And you don’t have to buy super expensive curtains to make a beautiful statement.
Just grab a white sheer curtain panel and two red curtain panels. (Make sure to get the correct size for your window.) Hang the red curtains on the outside and the white curtain in the center.
If you are feeling ambitious you can hang greenery on the top of your curtain.
Tip: If you don’t mind sewing, you can save some money on curtains and purchase one red panel for each window. Cut the red curtain panel in half and sew the edge you cut to create two short panels to frame the white curtain.
The simple change of red and white curtains is a fast and easy way to make your home feel more festive. And it’s a great time to clean your every day curtains too.
2) Display a Christmas Tree
Of course this is one of those given signs of Christmas. Having a decorated tree displayed makes your home feel like the holidays have arrived.
However, decorating a tree takes time and energy.
If you are short on time, but still want a Christmas tree on display, you might be interested in a pre-decorated Christmas tree. They easily pull up with all of their decorations already attached. When Christmas is done, collapse the tree down for easy storage.
3) Hang Stockings
Hang a couple of stockings on your mantel or a shelf to add a quick holiday feel to your home.
Hanging stockings are an easy and immediate way to make your home feel ready for Christmas.
4) Upgrade Your Pillows
One of the easiest changes you can make to your room decor is a pillow upgrade.
Grab cute Christmas throw pillows like these, and throw them onto a couch in your living room for an instant holiday feel.
And if you have Christmas pillows in need of a little face lift, take a look at this post on how to re-stuff your pillows for more years of decorative use.
5) Greenery
There is something about pine that makes you feel like the holidays are here.
Even if you don’t want to put up a Christmas tree, adding a little pine greenery into your living space can give it a holiday feel.
Hang a wreath or add a pine garland. Stick pine boughs in a vase or basket and set it on a table or shelf.
There are so many subtle ways to add pine greenery into your decor.
Of course, adding a little red and white to your greenery can make it feel even more like the holidays.
5 Simple Ways to Decorate for Christmas
It is possible to give your home a festive feel, even if you don’t have time to go all out with your decorations.
Adding any of these quick decorations will make your home feel cozy and holiday ready with minimal effort.
Want to theme your Christmas like a winter wonderland? Take a look at this post on how to decorate your home like a winter wonderland when you have kids.
Want to remember this idea for later? Save it to your favorite Christmas Pinterest board.
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